The Beauty of Unity

A biblical poet refers to God’s Word as “a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.” — Psalm119:105

When you enter the gallery, raise you Lamp to the wall to explore your collected inspirations. Reflect on those values, and then swipe your Lamp up to release them to the world. Look to you neighbor, you may see similarities in selections illustrating the shared values that can bind us together — even if we have deep differences. Use your Lamps to collect the inspirations of those around you. The motto on the Great Seal of the United States, e pluribus unum (“out of many, one”), is often cited to express unity as a constitutional ideal. In our pluralistic society, that concept has been sorely tested. But we can still find unity in our common humanity, our collective embrace of universal values, and our shared experience in working towards liberty and justice for all. 

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Psalm 133:1

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